Goddess of Earth

Regular price 6,950.00TL
Regular price 5,750.00TL
Regular price 6,750.00TL
Regular price 7,950.00TL
Regular price 9,250.00TL
Regular price 7,350.00TL
Regular price 7,750.00TL
Regular price 5,500.00TL
Regular price 8,750.00TL
Regular price 9,500.00TL
Regular price 6,950.00TL
Regular price 5,950.00TL

You are a leader!

Dress with your heart energy.

Element: Earth & Wood

Symbol: Venus

Sign: Tiger

Keyword: Root

Card Guideline

“Hold this card and sense the grounded strength beneath you, a feeling of being deeply rooted in who you are. Think of the earth’s quiet resilience, its ability to adapt and endure. How can you let this grounded energy anchor you today, giving you a stable foundation from which to grow?”