Goddess of Love

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Regular price 7,250.00TL
Regular price 6,750.00TL
Regular price 7,250.00TL
Regular price 6,850.00TL
Regular price 9,500.00TL
Regular price 7,750.00TL
Regular price 5,950.00TL
Regular price 7,250.00TL
Regular price 7,950.00TL
Regular price 7,750.00TL
Regular price 5,500.00TL
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You are a lover!

Dress with your heart energy.

Element: Passion & Air

Symbol: Rose

Sign: Love

Keyword: Passion

Card Guideline

“Hold this card and feel love not just as a feeling, but as a steady presence, like a thread connecting you to others and to yourself. Love can be fierce, soft, or silent—it takes many forms. How might you practice love in a way that doesn’t deplete you, but instead fills and sustains you?”